When people think of Verona I’m sure all that comes to mind is the town where Juliet and Romeo’s romantic tragedy took place. Although that is true, Verona has so much more to offer. If you go there not knowing what to expect you will be blown away by its beauty. It is a colorful, historical, clean, and quiet yet lively city. There are endless shops and historical buildings to go to. One of Verona’s most popular attractions is their fruit markets.
We were walking through the city and it was 80+ degrees when we came across this ginormous fruit market. There were aisles and aisles of fruit being cut and sold. You can either buy baskets of the fruit to take home or buy a cup of pre-cut fruit to eat while you walk around. There are pre-made cups of aesthetically pleasing assortments of fruit to choose from. Some of the stands even let you build your own cup of fruit.

It is nice to take a break from the classic pasta, pizza and panini diet that you usually consume while in Italy. People were lined up all throughout the market waiting to quench their sweet tooth.
Background of Verona
Verona became a Roman colony in 89 BC and has since developed into an important town in Italian history. Today there are still several remains that include the Roman amphitheater and Roman churches. The core of the city holds the Roman town that is nestled in the loop of the river. Verona is one of the richest collections of Roman remains in northern Italy. It is a place that you have to visit if you are in Italy. If you can stay for more than one day you should because there is so much to see and so much to do.

The heart of Verona is the Piazza delle Erbe and the Piazza dei Signori. This is where you will find the charming fruit and vegetable market along with historical buildings and shops, according to City of Verona. http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/797
History of Fruit in Italy
Italy has more than 25 million acres of farmland which produce a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that just so happen to be major factors in the country’s cuisine. Fresh produce and gardening is a vital part of the Italian lifestyle. Italy is mostly known for its juicy tomatoes, grapes and meaty olives. It has a handful of delicious fruits and vegetables that thrive in the rich soil, according to Garden Guides. https://www.gardenguides.com/104014-fruits-vegetables-grown-italy.html

The fruits in Italy are not only an important part of Italian cuisine but they are a significant part of Italy’s economy as well. Olives are one of the country’s most popular fruit crops. Italy is one of the top producers of olive oil. Another fruit that is grown plentifully in Italy are grapes. Whether it is eaten alone, mixed into sauces or used in the profitable wine-making industry.

Fruits and vegetables in Italy have a gross salable production on 14 billion euros and an export of 4.9 billion euros. It is a key segment of Italy’s food sector and economy.
Fruit in Verona
Verona is well known for their fruit selection and markets. The city ships their fruits and vegetables to central Europe to be enjoyed all over.
The fruits and vegetables that Italian farmers grow in large quantities are peaches, nectarines, apples, lettuce, kiwis, artichokes, pears, potatoes, olives and grapes. Most of these can be found throughout the fruit market in Verona.

At the beginning of Via Mazzini you will reach Piazza delle Erbe, an ancient Roman Forum, that is now well-known for its daily fruit and vegetable market, according to Arena. https://www.arena.it/arena/en/pages/what-to-do-in-verona.html
Piazza delle Erbe is Verona’s most famous square. It used to be the town’s forum during the Roman Empire. It is surrounded by other remarkable buildings and in the center you find a beautiful fountain.
How the Market Works
Getting the fruit is a pretty straightforward process. You stand in line where you get to watch the employees cutting the fresh fruit into little pieces. You can look through the glass and see the assortment of pre-made fruit cups that you get to choose from. If none of them have the right fruit combination for you then you can head on over to one of the stands that allows you to build your own up. That process is really simple too. You just tell the employee a few different fruits that you would like to have and they fill the cup up for the same price as a pre-made one. At the end you will receive a large cup full of juicy fruit and a large toothpick to help you eat it.

I asked the cashier how often the fruit market is open and how busy it usually is. She said, “we are here every day and the line never ends.”
Here you can see the fresh fruit that is about to be cut and placed into the cups by the employees of the stand.
It is hard to not buy some of their fruit when everyone around you has their own cup and looks so satisfied.

There is so much to do in Verona so why not grab a cup and take it while you’re exploring the Roman amphitheater or Juliet’s house. Verona is a city that will take you buy surprise. Running into this fruit market is just one of the many fun and delicious that you will experience while visiting. The whole city feels like a lively market full of excited visitors and happy locals.
The easiest and most comfortable way to get to Verona is by train. There are plenty of trains continuously running in and out of the city for an affordable price. From the train station it is a short 20-30 minute walk to the center of Verona where you will find the fruit market.

The best part is, the cups are only 3.50 euros. You get a large amount (almost too much to eat in one sitting) for a low price. Take a break from the gelato and try some of Verona’s yummy fruit!